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**All Classes at City Clay are open to students ages 18+ unless otherwise noted**

Tuition Refund

  • We reserve the right to cancel classes that do not have a minimum enrollment.
  • Tuition will be refunded if a class is cancelled.
  • Tuition will be refunded in full only if City Clay is notified one week in advance of the first class.
  • Half the tuition will be refunded if a cancellation is made before the second class
  • Refunds will not be given for missed classes.
  • Missed classes scheduled by City Clay will be added at the end of the session usually during the same time, but some schedule adjustments may be necessary.
  • We will generally follow the Charlottesville City school system for snow/ice closures. All announcements about closure and/or delayed opening will be posted on our webpage, Instagram, and on our outgoing phone message. If the school systems are on a delay, please assume our classes are operating on a normal regular schedule. You can check our website, instagram, or phone messages for updates. 

Open Studio

Open Studio is for students and members at CityClay to use the studio outside of class time. It is a time to practice skills and work on class projects or on individual projects. Access to wheels, slab rollers and glazes is only for the students who have been taught how to use these in their class. Open Studio does not include instruction from our teachers or other students. If teachers are there, they are either attending to other responsibilities or using the time for their own work; they are not available for instruction. The staff on duty at the desk are there to help you with general questions. Open Studio studio is available during shop hours and when their are classes running with a current schedule posted at the beginning of each session. Open studio days and hours, however,  often vary during the last few weeks of a session as our 8, 10 and 12 weeks close out. The evolving schedule will be updated weekly. 


We will generally follow the Charlottesville City school system for snow/ice closures.* All announcements about closure and/or delayed opening will be posted on our webpage, Instagram, and on our outgoing phone message. Teachers will work with individual classes to schedule a make-up date in the event of a weather cancellation. 

*If the school systems are on a delay, please assume our classes are operating on a normal regular schedule. You can check our website, instagram, or phone messages for updates. 


    • Please do not carry on cell phone conversations in the building or in class unless it is an emergency
    • Please do not touch work that is not your own unless you are invited to do so. If necessary to move work not he firing shelves do so with care and two hands.
    • Do not take pictures of work by others without their permission.
    • Clean up after yourself and return everything you have used to the place where you found it. Clean off the counters, wedging tables, slab roller tables and wheel benches after using. Please do not bring unused food containers and please remember to put away all your belongings. We find dozens of water bottles, food containers, clothing and tools each session that are never reclaimed.

    Health and Safety

    • No smoking is permitted in the Studio. No alcohol or illegal substances are permitted in the Studio or in the Studio parking lot.
    • If you suffer from mold-related allergies, you may have problems with clay. Check with your doctor before signing up for a class.
    • Sanding dry clay or unfired glazed work is not permitted in the Studio. If you need to do so, take your work outside to sand and wear a mask.
    • To keep the Studio a healthy place for all of us to work in, please clean up your areas completely before you leave, including the floor where glazes have spilled or dripped. Clay and glazes should not be left to dry on any surface because they can become airborne dust. Please be diligent about this.
    • If you have long hair you should wear it pulled back, if you are taking a wheel class or working at a raku firing. It is a good idea to also refrain from wearing a necklace (safety), or bracelets, watches and rings which can easily get left behind and lost.
    • We reserve the right to ask anyone who does not follow our rules and behave in a manner that is safe and respectful of others to withdraw from the course. Tuition will not be refunded when an individual’s behavior is unacceptable.


    From time to time, we may take photographs of children or adults at work in the studios and of the work made in our studios for our publications (our news letter, Instagram and Facebook.) A request to be omitted from the photographs may be made  when photographs are being taken. we generally don't use names or we use just the first name unless the situation warrants a full name. Students may also choose to have their picture published but without their name.


    • Clay is inherently fragile at all stages of the creative process. We do our best to help you avoid disappointing accidents and we will do all we can to protect your work through the firings, but clay objects break, it is a fact of life in a clay studio for which we cannot be held responsible.
    • We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property. Please be mindful of your belongings, do not touch work that does not belong to you, and do not bring unnecessary valuables to the studio.