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Winter 2020-Intermediate Hand-building with Steve Palmer, Th 6:30-9:00, 10 weeks

Students should be familiar with slab construction, glazing, storing clay and our general studio procedures. Depending on the group, projects may include slab boxes, slab vases, teapots, and sculpted forms as well as more studies in surface design.

Teacher: Steve Palmer
?Thursdays,?January 9- March 12, 2020, 10 weeks
?Time:? 6:30-9:00

SUPPLIES-Supplies for this class?can be purchased the first day. Beginning students should buy the 630 White Stoneware, in whole or half bags, or our recycled clay. Others may choose from our full range of cone 6 clays, also in whole or half bags. The price of the clay includes two firings for every piece you want to keep plus the use of our dipping glazes. It is our policy that all clay and any commercial glazes you wish to use be purchased from us so we can protect our kilns by controlling what is fired in them. Students trying clay for the first time may use our studio tools or buy the beginner kit. We have a great assortment of tools?in our?shop for sale, but you are welcome to bring any that you have.

Each class will receive a group email before the class begins with details about what to wear,?where to park, and the like.

Please?read the following before registering for a class.


Tuition Refund

  • We reserve the right to cancel classes that do not meet the minimum enrollment. If a class is canceled by City Clay, tuition will be refunded in full.
  • If you withdraw from a class, tuition will be refunded in full only if you notify City Clay one week before the first class.
  • If you withdraw before the second class, half of your tuition will be refunded. No refunds will be made after the second class.
  • Refunds are not given for missed classes. (Students may sit in on a comparable class provided they plan with us beforehand, and students may use Open Studio time to catch up and to practice.)
  • Weather and related cancelations will be added at the end of the session; schedule adjustments may be necessary. In case of inclement weather, we will follow the Charlottesville City Schools ?If the schools are closed, all of our classes will be canceled as well. If there is only a delay, classes will most likely open on time. Please call, check our website?or our Facebook page for updates.

Open Studio

Adults attending classes at City Clay have the option of working in the studio outside of class. Open Studio is time to work on a project, practice your skills, and trim or glaze pots, but it does not include instruction. If instructors are around, they are either on their own time or they are taking care of other responsibilities. Open Studio is available seven days a week any time there isn't a class or special event in the studio you need. The studio is open for classes often before and after we open for business, but check the schedule to make sure there is availability because there are days and nights when there are two wheel classes running simultaneously. A new Open Studio schedule is posted each season.


    • City Clay is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property. Please be mindful of your belongings, do not touch work that does not belong to you, and do not bring valuables to the studio.
    • Clay is inherently fragile at all stages of the creative process. We will do our best to help you avoid disappointing accidents and we will do all we can to protect your work through the firings. But clay objects break-it is a fact of life in a clay studio for which we cannot be held responsible.
    • We ask that you reclaim your clay, donate it, or discard it. We do not ?reclaim?clay for?students and members.
    • Please remove your bisqued and glazed fired pots from the wear shelves as soon as they have been fired.?Please take home all of your work when completed and when your class ends so we will have room for the next class. Please remove your clay, tools, pots and wear boards and sponge off the clay dust. Shelves throughout the studio will be cleaned between sessions. We can only hold on to work left behind for a short time. Any work over a month old and left from a previous session will be donated to a charity or thrown out two weeks after the start of the new session
      • Please do not carry on cell phone conversations in the building or in class unless it is an emergency and?keep the ring tone off while you are in the studio.
      • Please do not touch work that is not your own unless you are invited to do so.
      • Do not take pictures of work by others without their permission.
      • No smoking or alcohol is permitted in the building.
      • Please check with the?staff about eating in the studio.?

      Health and Safety

      • If you suffer from mold-related allergies, you may have problems with clay. Check with your doctor before signing up for a class.
      • Sanding dry clay or unfired glazed work is not permitted in the building. If you need to, take your work outside to sand.
      • To keep this studio a healthy place for all of us to work in, please clean up your areas completely before you leave. Clay and glazes should not be left to dry on any surface because they can become airborne dust. Please be diligent about this.
      • When cleaning around wheels and tables please use only wet sponges and mops to help minimize the amount of dust. Please take care to keep clay out of the sinks.
      • Please wear long hair pulled up or back, and don't wear long necklaces (they can be dangerous on the wheel), bracelets, or watches they can easily get left behind or lost-and they can leave marks in your work.
      • We provide aprons and hand towels for the first week of classes. Although we have them throughout each session as well, they are often used up by those in open studio, so bring your own and keep them clean so you always have what you need. When they are dirty, they create clay dust that becomes air born, so keeping them clean is important.


      From time to time, we may take photographs of students at?work in the studios or of the work made in our studios for our publications. You may request that your picture is omitted when enrolling in a class or when photographs are being taken.??Students may also choose to have their pictures published without their names.